We tell you when are the best moments to send money abroad
Track the exchange rate, effortlessly.
Save time
You don’t have to follow the exchange rate evolutions anymore. Neomy does it for you.
Save money
By sending money abroad at the right moment, you will save more and more, transfer after transfer.
Be ahead
You receive information before everyone else. What else would you desire more than simply being a happy Neomy user?
How does it work?

Neomy checks in real-time ALL the exchange rates you are interested in, identifies significant changes, and sends you an alert when there are the best moments for you to complete a transfer.
We have developed an algorithm dedicated to exchange rate patterns. It allows us to spot significant variations for each money corridor, and identify when it is the best moment to transfer money.
It is that simple & reliable!
You need more? Ok, sounds fair.
Here are some examples of what you can save by transferring at the right moment, compared to the average during that time period.

Say hi to your new money transfer assistant
Hi I’m Neomy, nice to meet you ;)
I will help you transfer money at the best rate.
One last thing they didn’t tell you about me : I’m 100% personalized with your needs, aiming to meet your expectations.